The Commission recognise the difficulties associated with the British Administration, driven through the very first to exert effort at ruthless without any chance of relaxed reflection.

The Commission recognise the difficulties associated with the British Administration, driven through the very first to exert effort at ruthless without any chance of relaxed reflection.

there was over-centralization and liaison that is insufficient Headquarters Departments plus the District management.

The grievances and claims of this Arabs and Jews as to the Courts may not be reconciled and mirror the racial antagonism pervading the complete management. The issue of supplying a system that is judicial to the needs of the blended individuals of Palestine is improved because of the presence of three formal languages, three regular times of sleep, three sets of formal vacations and three systems of law. The Commission point to the difficulties of the Legal Department in a land where perjury is common and evidence in many cases, particularly in times of crisis, unobtainable, and conclude that the animosity between the two races, costa rican dating reviews particularly in times of crisis, has shown its influence to the detriment of the work of a British Senior Government Department as regards Jewish suspicions as to the conduct of criminal prosecutions. The visit of a Uk Senior Government Advocate is suggested.

The Jaffa-Haifa road need as feasible.

Further enquiry that is expert necessary before making a decision whether an extra deep-water port is necessary. (more…)

Continue ReadingThe Commission recognise the difficulties associated with the British Administration, driven through the very first to exert effort at ruthless without any chance of relaxed reflection.